Kinoulton Primary School

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Safeguarding Information

Safeguarding and the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. At Kinoulton Primary School we take our responsibilities in this area very seriously and have robust systems and procedures in place to ensure that our children are safe, happy and well looked after.

Simon Paramore is the Designated Safeguarding lead (DSL) and Designated Teacher for Looked After Children

Abi Huntingford and Sarah Barker are the deputy DSLs.

If you have a concern or a member of staff has a concern it can be reported confidentially to either of the designated people. All staff have a valid DBS certificate, recorded in our Single Central Register, which is kept in the office.


Should a child disclose anything that causes you to have a concern about their welfare please report it immediately to any teacher or designated person.

Do not engage the child in discussion on this issue yourself.

The School Policy for Child Protection is updated in line with Local Authority Guidance and Regulations.

Our policy and procedures for safeguarding are also reviewed and approved by Governors on an annual basis.

Information for Parents:


No-one deserves to be bullied and the problem cannot be ignored.  The Anti-Bullying Association offers lots of support and advice for schools and parents/ carers.  Kindly click here for access.

NSCPP- Pants

The NSPCC have some fantastic resources for talking to your child about keeping safe from abuse.   The programme is followed within school, it can also be followed at home.  Click for access.


Helps all kinds of families to cope with a wide range of issues including poverty, abuse, and homelessness.
tel: 01268 520224




Offers some helpful information for parents and carers on a range of issues, such as internet safety, protecting children at home and positive parenting tips.

tel: 0808 800 5000


Women’s Aid Federation

The key national charity working to end domestic violence against women and children. Support a network of over 500 domestic and sexual violence services across the UK.
tel: 08457 023 468



With the online world becoming increasingly accessible to everyone, it is vital that you keep your child safe when they are online.


Your child is online when they are using a mobile phone, accessing social media, using the internet for research, playing games on their tablet or laptop and using their games console to play games with friends. The list is ever growing with the technological developments that are being made in the world today.



The following website has some useful advice on how to keep your child safe depending on their age. There are other useful pieces of advice such as a guide to apps and other technology.


Social Media


Many parents may be unaware of the age restrictions placed on social media sites.

Most of these sites have a 13+ age limit and some have an even higher age-restriction.

For more information, look at the National Online Safety guides below.

 Group Chats.pdfDownload
 Online Bullying.pdfDownload
Showing 1-7 of 7

 There are many other guides available at:

E-safety Guides for Schools | National Online Safety