Kinoulton Primary School

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Kinoulton Primary School, Main Street, Kinoulton, NG12 3EL

01949 81203

Kinoulton Primary School

Creativity, Curiosity, Collaboration

Welcome to Badgers Class - Mrs Huntingford

Autumn Term 2 2024

Key Information for Badgers:

*PE Days - Monday and Wednesday (come to school in PE kit on those days)

*Reading diaries signed - Monday

*Maths/English homework (will alternate each week)- sent home on a Monday and due the following Monday. Year 6 children, you may receive additional homework to improve your knowledge and support your in-class learning.

*Spellings & Times Tables - sent home on a Friday and will be tested the following Friday


**Please note that INSET days/Bank Holidays/school trips etc may impact homework but we will try and maintain routine where possible**

Welcome back Badgers! I hope you've all had a relaxing Autumn break and that you're feeling refreshed and ready for the run-up to Christmas?

I am so impressed with how you've all started this academic year; your attitudes and behaviours are impressive and I am really looking forward to working with you all again this half term.

As always, if you're worried about anything or if you need some extra support with something, come and talk to me - you know I am here to help you.

I can't wait to catch up with you all.

Best wishes,

Mrs H xx

This half term, our big question is:

Were the Vikings just invaders?

We will be learning about who the Vikings were, Viking trade, Danelaw and analysing other important historic artifacts associated with the Viking rule.

To get a headstart with your learning this half term and for an overview of what we will cover across the rest of the curriculum subjects, have a look below! 

For a quick overview of the Vikings, click the picture below.

Have a look at our learning overview for this half term.

Spend a few minutes on TTRS each week to support you with your times tables knowledge. As we've already discovered, times tables knowledge is the to success in many areas of maths!

Recommended Reads

Use the documents below to find suitable books to read.  I look forward to hearing about which books you have read. Feel free to write a review to share with your classmates.

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