Kinoulton Primary School

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BADGERS Summer 2 Half-Term 2024

Welcome back! The final push with the end of the year in sight! 


This half-term is, in my opinion, is the most exciting, but one of the most tiring! PGL, A  Midsummer Night's Dream, Leavers' Assembly to name but a few events happening in the nest 8 weeks. Please keep Class Dojo at close hand as there may be a few updates.


  • Monday and Wednesday are PE days.
  • Please come to school dressed in appropriate school PE kit. If you wear jewellery or watches, please make sure these are removed before the lessons. Long hair must be tied, so come equipped with a hair band as well if needed. 
  • Monday's are the days I monitor personal organisers. Please make sure that personal organisers are up to date and signed by a parents, so that the weeks contribute to the reading awards! Remember: 5x reads per week are expected. If you need proof for the question 'does reading make you smarter', here's some paramount evidence: reading can increase your IQ by up to 50 points if you do it for 30 minutes a day.
  • Friday's are homework hand-in and new homework days.
  • Homework consists of grammar or maths questions in year 5 and maths and questions for year 6. Spellings are also provided and tested on this day from the previous lists. 


Our whole-school topic this half-term is:

How did the Anglo-Saxons change England and what part did the Scots play??

We will focus on these key areas -

  • What happened after the Romans left?

  • How do we know about the Anglo-Saxons?

  • How was Anglo-Saxon England ruled?

  • What was daily life like for the Anglo-Saxons?

  • How did the Anglo-Saxons converting to Christianity change England?
  • Why is King Alfred known as Alfred the Great?

The YouTube video below gives a good overall summary of the topic.

Being confident with multiplications is an easy way to become confident with mathematics. Once learned, they allow us access to so many areas of maths. is by far the greatest times tables tool I have come across and the kids LOVE IT!!!! 

Recommended Reads

Use the documents below to find suitable books to read for your year group.  I look forward to hearing about which books you have read and feel free to write a review so your classmates know what you think of it!

Stuck for a book? Follow the link below to find a list of book reviews written by adults and children of your age...

Click on the flag below for French resources to help practise your language skills.

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