Kinoulton Primary School

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From September 2021, we are making some changes to the curriculum, some of which are explained below:

Curriculum Intent

The updated curriculum is enquiry-based, focussing on big questions and reflecting our core value of ‘curiosity’.


We aim to make the curriculum knowledge-rich

This includes:

  • ‘Sticky knowledge’ that we want the children to remember
  • Knowing how to do things (skills) alongside the key knowledge

As the children move through milestones in their learning, they will acquire the knowledge that they need to prepare them for the next stage.  We want the learning to be memorable and the knowledge gained to endure.  The children will record and summarise their learning as they move through the school, from class to class.



We want everything the children learn to have a purpose – a reason for learning it.  Everything should join up and new learning should be built on prior learning.  Children should acquire the knowledge they need in order to progress to the next stage.  The sequences of learning will reflect this, focussing on this principle: what do the children need to know, in order to do?

We also want to build the children’s cultural capital – further broadening their horizons and increasing their knowledge and appreciation of the best that humanity has created and achieved – giving them the essential knowledge to become well-informed and educated citizens.



We intend for our curriculum to be stimulating - we need to inspire the children and engage them in the learning by sparking their curiosity, which is one of our key values.  We aim to start each enquiry/topic with a 'wow' event - something memorable as a hook.  Children in our school will not always be inspired through experiences alone though (as many already have access to a rich variety of experiences and opportunities out of school), so we also aim to inspire them through making them think, channelling and nurturing their natural curiosity and encouraging their creativity.  We aim to make the learning exciting, fun and vital.


Our curriculum is planned on a 3-year cycle, meaning the children will repeat topics at some point.  The content that they learn, however, will be different and the substantive and disciplinary knowledge will progress as the children get older and move through the school.

More information about each class's current topic can be found on the class pages.

English long term planning


French Planning

KS2 French


PSHCE Planning 

Whole School PSHE - Jigsaw


History Planning

History Progression Document



Geography Planning

Geography Progression Document



History and Geography Knowledge

History and Geography Substantive Knowledge Document



Art Planning

Art Whole School Curriculum Overview


Music Planning

Music planning

Progression of music skills KS1

Progression of music skills KS2


EYFS Planning

Early Years


PE Progression Planning

PE Long Term plan

Skills Progression Key Stage 1

Skills Progression Key Stage 2 Athletics

Skills Progression Key Stage 2 Dance

Skills Progression Key Stage 2 Games

Skills Progression Key Stage 2 Gymnastics

Swimming Provision

At Kinoulton Primary School, all children complete a 2 week intensive swimming course in the summer term; they start this in year 3. Children repeat this course until they have met the required standards in swimming:

  • Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 meters
  • Use a range of strokes effectively
  • Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations 



Phonics and Reading Scheme

The phonics scheme used by the school is 'Monster Phonics'. Reception children will read from a Monster Phonics reading book, they may also choose another challenge book to read at home. We use Oxford Tree, Bug Club and Big Cat reading scheme books.


Pupils are assessed to be either below, at or above aged related expectations (ARE).