Kinoulton Primary School

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Squirrels Class Page

 Class Teachers

Miss Clackworthy (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday)

Mrs Westmoreland (Thursday and Friday)

Welcome to Autumn Term 2024

We hope that you have had a wonderful holiday and are looking forward to hearing all about your adventures over the summer.

Key information for Squirrels Class: 

Homework day - Monday 

Hand in reading diaries every Monday

PE days - Monday and Wednesday (please come into school in your PE Kit) 

Spellings- Friday

*Bank holidays and inset days may disrupt the normal routine


This term, we have two new topics for geography and history: 

The Seaside 

During our first half term we will be looking at the physical and human features you can find at the seaside. We will be using maps to locate seaside resorts across the United Kingdom and thinking about the activities that you can do at the seaside. Click the photograph below to find out all about the seaside town of Weymouth.

Image result for weymouth beach


Transport and Travel

After half term we will be looking at how new technology has resulted in changes in transport over time. We will be exploring how people used to travel in the past and comparing old modes of transport with how we travel today. We will be focusing on different types of transport on land, at sea and in the air. 

Take a look at the following videos which follows 8-year-old Rian and his Aunt Maya on a journey around the world using different types of transport.

Hari Pariwisata Dunia Berbagai Clipart Transportasi Dan Ilustrasi ...

Topic Overview

Recommended Reads

Reading is so important and should be done 5 times a week! Make sure you document every time you read with your child in their reading diary. 


Try these recommended books to read whilst in KS1. 


Books for Year 1 children aged 5-6 | School Reading List

Books for Year 2 children aged 6-7 | School Reading List


Times Tables

Download the sheets below to practise your times tables at home. 

Please remember to use Times Table Rock Stars too!

The year 2 children will begin to practice their times tables in summer term. 

Maths and English Games