Kinoulton Primary School

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Welcome to Hedgehogs!

 Class Teacher - Mrs Barker 

Summer Term 2024

I hope you have all had a fantastic Easter break. I can't wait to hear all about the different things you've all been up to. Also, I can't believe we're already heading into the summer term, how fast have the last 2 terms gone! 

This term, we will be doing 2 different topics. In the first half term, our topic is called Kings and Queens and then after the May half term holiday, we are going to be learning all about Planet Earth. Below are our topic overviews for each half term.

Key Information for the Spring Term

Reading books are changed and diaries are signed every Monday.

PE is every Monday and Wednesday.

Year 1 Spelling Test is on Friday.

All homework needs to be sent back into school on Friday and new homework will be given out.

Reading Friday will be every Friday at 3:10pm.

PLEASE NOTE Forest School will now be taking place on one day every half term, I will let you know via Class Dojo when this will be.

Have a listen to this fantastic song from Horrible Histories. How many Monarchs can you remember the name of afterwards? Take care - it's very catchy!

Can you learn the name of all of the continents? What facts can you learn about them in this song?

How many of these books have you read? How many can you read? We will be attempting to read all of these at school over the next year!

Click on the link below to practise your blending and segmenting of sounds. Year R children choose from Phase 2 and Year 1 children choose from Phase 3.

Let's practise our counting to 10! Click on the picture below to play the game. 

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