Kinoulton Primary School

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Hickling Pre-school

Hickling Pre-School is a friendly, safe, stimulating and happy environment for children to learn through play. Open for children aged between two and five years old, we operate from Hickling Village Hall.

Our Team

We have a dedicated team of staff who are committed to the learning and education of the children. The pre-school is run by a small team of parents and members of the local community who form the committee; all parents are extended a very warm welcome to join us – whether to become a member of the committee or just to attend one of our regular meetings which are all held in the local pub!

Preparation for School

One of the main benefits of attending a local pre-school is the opportunity for your child to make friends with future primary school classmates. When the time comes we ensure that the older children are fully prepared for the transition to ‘big school’ by running a dedicated ‘Steps to School’ session on Wednesday afternoons alongside our other pre-school sessions (PE, baking and ‘Show & Tell’). The children also visit Kinoulton Primary School each term for school dinners and to join the Reception children in an afternoon of learning.

Our Facilities

The children have full and exclusive use of the village hall which has a library, computer access and a flexible array of play equipment, climbing frames and themed table top play zones. We have a kitchen, toilet facilities and an enclosed outdoor play area which we make the most of in the warmer months. The children often enjoy walks in the village or visits to local farms.

We ensure that every child achieves their learning potential in line with the government’s Early Years Foundation Stage, which means that parents can be confident that our services are inspected against common standards in care and early education. We are fully OFSTED approved – read the latest report.

Opening Hours

We are open Monday - Friday 9:15am - 3:15pm and operate the same term dates as Nottinghamshire schools. You are free to choose how many and which sessions your child will attend.


For full details of our current fees please visit the website.  All children qualify for free childcare (15-30 hours depending on circumstances) the term following your after their third birthday.  We also accept childcare vouchers

Not Just Lunch

We offer a lunch session each day.  Lunch club supports children’s learning, development and welfare and encourages them to manage their own personal hygiene, understand the need for rules and codes of behaviour within a group, talk about their likes or dislikes and their needs, clear up after themselves and build relationship with adults and peers.

Contact Us

If you would like to find out more, maybe arrange a visit to have a look around or would like to receive a full prospectus, just visit our website, email at or call Carol on Tel: 07950 558608. We look forward to welcoming you and your little ones to our pre-school.